This afternoon we went to the movie and saw The Reader. It's thought provoking and the acting is very good.
I haven't talked very much yet about my aquariums. I think I have had an aquarium on and off since I was about 13 years old. Currently, I have two freshwater ones -- a 30 gallon and a 55 gallon both with live plants. The 30 gallon has a varied population of community fish, and the larger one has 5 discus as its feature attraction along with some varied friends.
Above is the 30 gallon,
and this is the 55 gallon. The round fish are the discus. None of them are full grown yet and should be 5-6 inches in diameter when they are. Doc20 and I have been mulling over replacing the 30 gallon with something larger, but are still in the "thinking about it" stage.