Saturday, February 28, 2009

More Mulch

More mulch has been purchased and distributed in the appropriate paths and flower beds.  Today it was really windy and cold for the last day of February.  I also bought a lime tree and planted it in a large pot.  The plan is for it to live outside during the summer (probably starting next week) and be a snowbird in my sunroom mid November through February or so.  I'm hoping for an ongoing supply of limes for Margaritas and guacamole.  We'll see.

This afternoon we went to the movie and saw The Reader.  It's thought provoking and the acting is very good.  

I haven't talked very much yet about my aquariums.  I think I have had an aquarium on and off since I was about 13 years old.  Currently, I have two freshwater ones -- a 30 gallon and a 55 gallon both with live plants.  The 30 gallon has a varied population of community fish, and the larger one has 5 discus as its feature attraction along with some varied friends.

Above is the 30 gallon,

and this is the 55 gallon.  The round fish are the discus.  None of them are full grown yet and should be 5-6 inches in diameter when they are.  Doc20 and I have been mulling over replacing the 30 gallon with something larger, but are still in the "thinking about it" stage.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fabulous Friday

This morning Doc20 and I FINISHED bagging all of the leaves.  The whole yard is DONE!  Then we went to lunch at one of my favorite burger places and then bought mulch for the paths and flower beds. All of them have been spread.  We'll have to get more another day. 

I've also been working on some photos of the flowers currently blooming in my yard.

These two are camillas,

And this one is a daffodil.

Some knitting is also being done.  I'm working on a little boy's pullover sweater.  I'll post photos when it's done.  

Tonight, Doc20 and I get to babysit our nieces' new baby, Baby Bird, while she and her husband go to a movie.  Baby Bird is 3 weeks old today.  I'll try and post some photos later.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weekend Work

We had a busy weekend.  Doc20 and I worked on getting the last of the leaves up from the back yard.  He did most of the bagging and I did the detail work around the edges and trimming off the dead stuff.  We took out some old rose bushes that we didn't like any more and planted the new one.  We're trying one of the older "antique" style rose bushes that are supposed to be more resistant to diseases.  The azaleas are almost blooming.  I think we're ready for spring!

I've also finished my latest knitting project.  It's the Silky Shawl designed by Miriam Leth-Espensen.  I got the pattern and silk yarn on my last trip to Santa Fe in September. It was a fairly quick and fun project.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Free Friday

Since today is Friday, Doc20 is home today.  He works four days a week and is off on Fridays. We usually try to do something fun or something that we've been putting off doing on the days he is home.  Today, we made the rounds of our favorite plant stores and started thinking about what new plants we might want for the yard this spring.  Today we only found one rose bush and an orchid on sale to add to my collection.  

I also worked quite a bit on my current knitting project.

I'll post a finished photo in a few days when it's done!  

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Beginnings

I have decided to start a blog today.  I'll see how it goes.  I have recently retired and live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  I love to knit and spin.  I also enjoy my tropical fish and orchids.  I have two daughters, Carebear and Linz and my husband Doc20.  My older daughter, Carebear, lives in the northwest and enjoys the corporate business life and the outdoor activities available in her area.  Linz, my younger daughter, is married and expecting her first child (my first grandchild!) in May.  She lives in Colorado and enjoys skiing when she is not doing her job as a nurse.  

Today, my long time house cleaning lady is here.  I have used the same person for almost 20 years.  I love Holly days!