Saturday, February 27, 2010

Knitted John Deere Cuteness

Oh my. How cute is this (if I do say so myself)! Since I couldn't find a pattern of a Texan holding a toothbrush, I opted for the tractor instead -- and I'm glad I did! I think this will be a Christmas present, it's a little big for now, but I can't wait to see Baby M in this one.

I just used cotton yarn and buttons that I bought in New York last fall. I ordered the pattern online from Roo Designs.

Yea! for tractor cuteness!

Monday, February 22, 2010


This past weekend, Baby M and his mom, Linds, came to visit. She was helping with a baby shower for a friend, and we got to play with Baby M. He is 9 months old now and a lot of fun.

New toys are lots of fun!

Off to a friends retirement party with Baby Bird today. It should be fun to see everyone again.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

More on the Snow

Yesterday, this is what our street looked like.

But this was what our neighbor across the street saw when he woke up yesterday morning.

Most of the neighbors on the court pitched in and helped get it cut up and the driveways and street cleared. With all the help, and a chain saw, it only took a couple of hours.

This is what it looks like now.

Today is sunny and I think will be in the 50's. The "big snow" is melting fast.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Birthday and Snow

Last Saturday we went to a birthday party. There were presents and cake. I think Baby Bird is partial to chocolate cupcakes.

(One of my favorite parts of this video is the background music. The selection is....interesting.)

And then today, we have this...

Doc20 had to go out and shake the snow off of our camelias and azaleas before they broke in half.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are going to a party today! It is Baby Bird's first birthday!