Since just before Christmas, I've been doing a lot of traveling. We drove to Denver (via Kansas due to icy roads along our regular route) for Christmas with the grandkids. We had a blast watching them open their gifts and playing with them in the snow.
After about a week, we left for home with a detour through Taos and Santa Fe for a couple of days.
Also, during that same week, CareBear decided to change jobs and move from Portland to Philadelphia. So, the first week in January, I flew to Portland to help her decide what to keep and what to sell and got everything ready for a huge estate sale. She is moving to a much smaller place and decided to buy almost all new stuff.
The second week in January, my Mom and I flew to Denver to keep the grandkids while their Mom and Dad took a quick vacation to Mexico for some sun and sand.
So now I'm home, keeping my nieces kids one or two days a week, trying to recover from a cold of some kind that has lasted for two weeks now.
We'll be back in Denver in about 3 weeks for Baby M's baby dedication and I'm sure I'll be in Philadelphia the first week in March to help CareBear unpack. (Her apartment won't be ready until then).
I'm tired.