Friday, May 29, 2009


There's not too many places that you can see a perfectly normal looking guy in purple pants. (Even though they don't look too purple in this phone photo -- they were.)

We try to go to the Colonial Golf Tournament in Fort Worth every year if we are not busy doing something else.  I think that today was the best weather we've ever had -- at least for the times that we've gone.  Not too humid, only around 90 degrees and a little breeze.  Usually, it's 110 degrees and 90% humidity. 

We usually find a seat in the stands in the shade at the 9th hole and just watch all of the groups come through.  (And, yes, I know that your not supposed to take in a camera or a phone, but just about everyone has their phone with them.  You just have to be sure and put in on vibrate and then I text if someone calls.)  Then we come home and watch the last of the players on TV.  It's kind of a different and fun thing to do on a free weekend.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Helmet Liners

I have just finished my second one of these Helmet Liners.  My Local Yarn Store (LYS) has started a project to make several thousand for the military folks, mostly those stationed in Afghanistan I think.  You can find more information on the project here.  Here is Doc20 modeling the one I just finished.  

I'll let you know when I stop laughing.  Maybe I should make him one in red and black for cold Tech games this fall...  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Finished Projects

I have finished a couple of knitting projects this week.  This Noro scarf ...

and this Clapotis pattern.  You can find more details here.

I worked on both of these while waiting for baby Mason to make his appearance in the world.  These were both fun projects and I would knit them again.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

We were back in Denver this weekend to give Grandpa Doc20 some Mason time.  I'm going to try to stay at home for a few weeks if I can.  I think they will be here to visit in a month or so.  Maybe I can wait until then to see him again.  

Hey Grandpa...

I bet we'll have some fun times when I'm older.

Some knitting projects have been finished.  Look for photos of them later this week.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Knitting and Mason

Actually, I did get quite a bit of knitting done last week while in Denver and on the flights in-between .  

I worked on this Noro scarf for Doc20,

and this Clapotis shawl/scarf.

We're planning to go back to Denver tomorrow for a couple of days since Doc20 only got to see Mason while he was still at the hospital.  Between waiting for flights and waiting for Mason to wake up, maybe I can finish up these projects.  

My local yarn store also has this project going on and I am also working on a helmet liner.  She has been on several local TV news shows so hopefully lots of folks will knit and donate.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

First Week with Mason

Well, he is really cute, at least his mom and dad and I think so.  He doesn't cry much and is pretty laid back.  We're still working on the diaper changing routine.  None of us have much experience with changing boys.  Maybe his Nebraska grandmother will have some tips for us.  She and Nebraska granddad will be arriving this evening to be here for Mother's Day.  

I know I should be doing something for Mother's Day, but these pictures with Dad were just too cute.


Hey Dad.  It's me, Mason.

What'cha doin?

See my tongue?

You're a pretty cool Dad.  (Go Huskers?)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

He's here!!!

The grandson has arrived!  Mason is 7 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long.  He arrived last night at 10:44 after lots of pushing and then a C-section.  Mom, Dad and baby are doing fine but it's been a long night, day, and most of the next night.  Mom and Dad are pretty pooped.  We didn't leave the hospital until around 1:00 last night (or I guess this morning) when Mom finally made it to her room.  Hopefully everyone was able to get some sleep after we left.

Dad thinks he's a keeper....

I'll try to post some more photos later today.